Author Jill Campbell-Mason

Author's Bio

Jill is a licensed psychologist, former school counselor, and now award-winning author, received her Bachelor and Masters degrees at Michigan State University. During her years of counseling, she and a colleague developed and patented the card game, Esteem Architecture, and used the game in counseling sessions. Through this game, students were able to develop a greater awareness of themselves, greater respect for others, and thus developed greater self-esteem in themselves. While the game was developed initially for students, adults, families, and couples have found this game to be fun, informative and useful. ​
Jill has authored several books in her field including LIGHTNING BOLTS TO LIGHT BULBS, a practical hands-on participatory workbook transforming the negative angry impulses we all have into positive actions. ​
Along with it is a companion book: ANGRRR! validating one’s emotions into short vignettes and adages.
Now Jill creates full-length novels. Her debut novel which won the Silver Book Award from Literary Titan was published by Global Publishing Group and was released in August 2022: The Elephant in the Room.

The release of Mario of My Life in October 2023 represents a second novel themed to uplift and open eyes… and deals with intercultural relationships and is based on a true incident at the foot of Machu Picchu in Peru. She has a manuscript Memoir, and produces limited-edition photographic books, so-called cocktail-table editions, as well as poetry and short stories.
